Wednesday 16 October 2013

Mise en Scene
A Fight Scene:
the location of this scene is in a dark and dingy car park which indicates to me a slight feeling of being in jeopardy and also emphasises the sense of danger. Key elements that indicate this location are the vehicles and the structure of the building. The costumes worn by both characters are quite similar, both being dressed casually to avoid drawing attention to themselves and fitting in with the public. The body language of the leading character is very up right and tense. it is as if he is expecting to be followed and is very wary of his surroundings. Whereas, the second character is more certain about where he's going and what he is doing, he moves quickly and swiftly to make the least noise possible. The props are the most important part of this scene with the knife instantly indicating the scene of violence and the bag signifying some kind of importance as the man drops it when he fights and quickly picks it back up when he is done.

Friday 11 October 2013

Camera Position

Camera Position

High Angle
This angle makes makes the person or object in the image look vulnerable and insuperior. In this instance, the little girl looks like she is being told what to do or is waiting to be told something.

Low Angle
This angle makes the person or object look more dominant and powerful than whatever else is included in the scene
Point of View
Basically this camera position is as though you are literally seeing through the characters eyes.
Over the Shoulder
this camera angle makes you feel involved with the characters and part of he conversation etc.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Shot Types

Shot Types

Close Up
This is an example of a close up from Four Lions which shows a persons face drawing attention to highlight his actions when asking for the bleach.

Extreme Close Up
This in axample of an extreme close up which in this case is a lions eye.i believe this particular image enhances emotion and feelings and could change the way a viewer feels.
Medium Shot
This shot type is an image captured above waist height which tends to express feelings between characters and what the characters are feeling.
Long Shot
this is an example of a long shot in four lions where Fessil has just made the crow blow up. Long shots tend to communicate how the surrounding environment is related to the character.
Extreme Long Shot
this is an example of an extreme long shot as the character is totally overwhelmed by the environment. Plus, it can be used to introduce a scene.